
Even though I’ve been working psychic divination for two decades, my mission has remained the same: to reconnect folks with their inherent power, creativity, and the reality that they and this planet are inherently sacred. Working with me is a collaborative experience. Together, we’ll figure out themes, archetypes, and concrete strategies to help you holographically plant, cultivate, and harvest your dreamy desires for yourself and our shared world.

During our session we’ll use divination tools, as well as your intuition and mine, to explore where you've been, where you are, and where your true self desires to go. If you request, we can create a loose plan for cyclical development that can be applied to any recurring structure, such as seasons, lunar phases, or days of the week. Sessions will be held over video chat and will last approximately 90 minutes. Recordings available upon request. No refunds.

Standard rate: $144.00
BIPOC pricing: $99.00

My practice is guided by…

✴ authenticity ✴ collaboration ✴ liberation ✴ cyclical growth ✴ gratitude ✴ nature connection ✴ empathy ✴ care ✴ curiosity ✴ intimacy ✴ embodiment ✴ ease ✴ unapologetic Blackness ✴ the urgent need to abolish supremacy culture✴

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Please arrive to tarot sessions promptly because we have limited time together. I will leave the session after 10 minutes and no refund or complimentary reschedule requests will be honored for no-shows. If you want to reschedule after a no-show, you will have to pay full price again for the session.

    Make sure you are familiar with Zoom prior to our session. I am not able to resolve technical difficulties during our time together.

    Show up to the session in a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted during our time together. Please be present and attentive during our session, as multitasking may distract you from our time together.

    After your session, I’ll send you a photo of your spread. If you’d like a recording of the session, please let me know before I shuffle the cards.

    If you have questions, please contact me. Messages get lost in social media inboxes! Using this channel ensures that I will see and respond to your message in a timely fashion.

  • I honor rescheduling requests made 48+ hours of the scheduled time. All cancellation and reschedule requests made within 48 hours of an appointment will result in a cancelled appointment and the complete forfeiture of any payment you made.

    I reserve the right to cancel readings up to 24 hours before the session begins.

  • No.

Please Note

A reading with me will never be a substitute for legal, medical, financial, or other qualified professional help. I am not a mental health professional and cannot provide psychological guidance.